

Philadelphia has a thriving technology community, and the members of Wharton Computing are dynamically engaged participates. From hosting and speaking at various user-group meetings to planning and hosting the annual cross-school Web conference, Wharton Computing orchestrates a variety of events throughout the year.



Techfasts are a series of presentations designed to keep you informed about technology trends – both on campus and off. The idea is simple: presentations about technology by Wharton Computing staff over breakfast. In effect, we provide the content and food, and you provide the curiosity and questions.

Wharton Web Conference

As Wharton Computing’s biggest annual event, the WWC brings together programmers, designers, project managers and other IT professionals for an exciting day of intensive learning and engagement. Past keynotes have included such tech luminaries as Steve Wozniak and Barry Schwartz, complemented by session speakers that give inspired talks on everything from development to design to content and culture.

Sponsored Events

Wharton Computing fosters a deeply collaborative relationship with Philadelphia’s tech community, partnering with various outside entities to host a variety of educational and networking events each year.