IDEA Courseware Policies

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Service Model

  • Support inquiries: We will provide an initial response to course-related support inquiries by end of next business day after you contact us through or the Wharton Computing Courseware Request Form. Outside of business hours, our on-call support staff checks incoming inquiries once each evening or weekend day. While every issue is different, problem reports triaged as urgent (e.g., a barrier to students completing assigned work) will receive a best-efforts response as soon as possible.
    • Important note for Academic Year 2024-2025: Responses to support requests for existing non-curricular Canvas sites will be fielded on a best-efforts basis, rather than end of next business day.
  • Canvas site setup for Wharton courses: During peak periods, we will do our best to notify requesters when the start of work must be delayed due to the volume of prior requests. Once we’re able to begin the work, expect up to 3 business days for a standard course Canvas site request to be completed (e.g., a single Penn Canvas site configured for a Wharton course).
    • For specialized learning tool setup or in-depth feature configuration, we’ll extend best-efforts service; note that some setups will be identified as projects requiring a consultation followed by an agreed-upon project plan. Due to staffing limitations, we currently require six weeks advance notice for new projects based on the Blueprint Courses feature of Canvas.
    • Important note for Academic Year 2024-2025: We are in review and cannot currently create or design new non-curricular Canvas sites. If you had previously worked with us on a non-curricular site need that requires a refresh or new iteration, we’ll consider those on a best-efforts basis.
  • Readings and licensed content: For a readings request, such as a Study.Net Materials course pack, 5 to 10 business days turnaround time may be required (not including waiting time for proofs we send you to approve).  This additional time is needed for copyright clearance, publisher and supplier fulfillment, and related process issues. For sourcing of journal articles and book chapters, we collaborate with Lippincott Library’s reserves team whenever possible. Please note, we cannot order textbooks or cover textbook costs for students; faculty may arrange for textbooks through Penn Business Services.
  • Services provided by other teams: University and Wharton services which appear in Canvas may be primarily supported by other Wharton School teams.  In our initial support response, we’ll indicate whenever we need to refer you to other teams for advice on non-Courseware services, such as:
    • Class Recordings: Delivered via the University’s Panopto video content management platform, overseen for Wharton courses by Wharton Computing’s IDEA Classroom Support team (
    • Instruction Center: Managed by Wharton Computing’s Technology Solutions CAOS Team (
    • Non-curricular Canvas sites: Since summer 2023, due to resource limitations, the Wharton Computing IDEA Courseware Team has been unavailable to design new non-course Canvas sites, or to consult with staff seeking to establish these. As of summer 2024 this limitation also covers creating any net-new non-curricular Canvas sites. Please contact your department’s primary IT support contact to inquire about available alternatives; also note that the Penn Libraries’ non-course/special-use Canvas service offering is not available for Wharton School needs.
    • Non-Wharton course Canvas sites: Use this Penn Libraries resource to locate the right team for your non-Wharton course request.

Online Exams

  • Advance consultation required for exam assistance: If you would like assistance with setting up your online exam, please schedule a consultation with the IDEA Courseware Team at least 1 week in advance of the exam date.
  • No authoring or proctoring: The IDEA Courseware Team does not create exam questions for Wharton courses, nor do we proctor exams or deliver supplies (e.g., written “blue book” exams given in classrooms).  Instead, we provide implementation support focused on conducting online exams effectively; rather than entering questions and answers, we provide familiarization for instructors and teaching assistants to do so. A summary of our standard exam advice can be found in the Wharton Computing Knowledgebase.
  • Accommodations: To ensure that your students’ previously-declared exam accommodations in Canvas can be implemented successfully, please provide at least 3 business days advance notice if you require help with that task. You’ll need to share all details provided by other departments with us privately.
    • Student exam accommodations generally involve several other University of Pennsylvania offices, each with their own processes and timetables. Our minimum 3-business-day guideline specifically covers IDEA Courseware assistance with the task of implementing already-granted accommodations within quiz and assignment settings.


  • By appointment, delivered remotely: All consultations with the IDEA Courseware Team regarding course design, technology onboarding, or related projects are scheduled as virtual meetings. To request a consultation, please email with all pertinent details.  Feel free to suggest at least two dates/times you are available to meet; depending on prior commitments, we may need to respond with suggested future alternate dates.
    • Important note for Academic Year 2024-2025: We can only consult on non-curricular Canvas sites on a case-by-case basis, as time permits.