Fall 2024, Q2 Teaching Technology Preparation Survey "*" indicates required fields Faculty Name*Faculty Email* This field is hidden when viewing the formSemesterAre you teaching a WHCP Course?* Yes No Thank you for filling out the Teaching Technology Survey. Click Submit so we can record your results. If you have any questions please reach out to your WHCP Course Coordinator.Classroom Automatic Mapped Network Drive: As of 8/27/24, automatic departmental mapped network drives are no longer available when you log into a classroom computer. If you use a cloud service or USB device in the classroom, the mapping of network drives won’t affect you. If you depend on network drives and have not adopted one of the preferred cloud solutions such as (Canvas, Dropbox, One Drive, PennBox, etc.) please contact acs-support@wharton.upenn.edu for assistance.Would you like someone from Wharton Computing to stop by 15 minutes before your first class?* Yes No Select your first course session*If you require IT check-ins for additional sections, please list the sections in the "Additional Details" space below.My section is not listedBEPP6120001BEPP6120002BEPP6120003BEPP6120004BEPP6120005BEPP6120006BEPP6120007BEPP6120008BEPP6120009BEPP6120010BEPP6120011BEPP6120012BEPP6130001BEPP8990702HCMG8600701LGST6120002LGST6120006LGST6130002LGST6420002LGST6920402LGST8090701MGMT2120402MGMT2330402MGMT6240002MGMT6560005MGMT6560010MGMT6920402MGMT7010002MGMT7010004MGMT7150781MGMT7230002MGMT7230004MGMT7310781MGMT7860002MGMT8010002MGMT8010004MGMT8040002MGMT8120402MGMT8150701MGMT8330402MGMT8710002MGMT8990001MGMT8990002MGMT8990003MGMT8990009MGMT8990010MKTG2340406MKTG2340408MKTG2380406MKTG2380408MKTG6110751MKTG6110752MKTG6120002MKTG6120004MKTG6120006MKTG6120008MKTG7340406MKTG7340408MKTG7380406MKTG7380408MKTG7770701MKTG8990031OIDD6110005OIDD6110007OIDD6110009OIDD6120002OIDD6120004OIDD6590001OIDD6620002OIDD6620004OIDD6620006OIDD6920402OIDD6970002OIDD6970004OIDD7770404STAT0001002STAT7050002STAT7770404What is/are your unlisted section(s)?*Please indicate any section not found in the list above, including the term. i.e. (Spring) ACCT1010001, (Fall) ACCT1010002What is the first day you will be teaching?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Additional Details about your technology needs:CAPTCHA Δ