PennKey Transition: PennKey is the New Black

January 5th, 2015, marked a return to the normal work week for Wharton Computing staff after a long holiday break – it also marked the start of the second phase of Wharton’s PennKey transition. As most of you know, this login change (affecting the bulk of  Wharton web services) began last year with Canvas as part of a university-wide effort to improve security and usability.

The main focus of Phase 2 is on services such as SPIKE, public and classroom computers, the Instruction Center, and the Mailing List app. Wharton Connect and the mobile website are also poised to be transitioned, though the date of those login changes is still TBD.

But, just to be clear, your departmental and office computers (unless otherwise noted), your Google/Exchange email accounts, and a few other services not mentioned in the posted timeline will continue to utilize the Wharton login.

Still have questions? Feel free to reach out to Scott McNulty ( and he’ll work with the PennKey Transition team to get you an answer.