New Quizzes in Canvas

By Becky Moulder

student taking online quiz In Fall 2018, Canvas announced that a new quiz tool was available for all its users called New Quizzes. Now, faculty have yet another way to assess student learning. So far, a handful of Wharton faculty members have taken advantage of the tool’s new features. These features include the ability to automatically regrade numeric quiz questions and randomize the question order. New Quizzes will eventually replace the current Quizzes tool in Canvas, but not before a transition period in which both New Quizzes and current Quizzes are available concurrently.

What distinguishes New Quizzes from the old quiz tool?

With New Quizzes there is:

  • A redesigned, more modern interface
  • A variety of new question types, including Ordering, Stimulus, Hot Spot, and an improved Essay question
  • Automatic regrading for numeric questions
  • A built-in calculator, spell checker, and word counter
  • More granular student results viewing options
  • More detailed quiz log information
  • The ability to set accommodations for students for all quizzes/exams in a course at the same time
  • And more!

How does it work?

Before you can use New Quizzes, you’ll need to contact Courseware and request that it be turned on for your course. Once New Quizzes is enabled, you can create quizzes through the “Assignments” page by clicking the “+Quiz/Test” button:

Assignments view with plus quiz/test button highlighted

After filling out the assignment details, New Quizzes will open and you can start building the quiz:

Screenshot showing the quiz question editor

Choose from several different question types or search for your past questions in an item bank:

screenshot showing item bank and question types

Questions are automatically numbered and can be easily reordered.

Are all the same features of current Quizzes available in New Quizzes?

While many of the features of current Quizzes are already available in New Quizzes, some are not. Features not yet available include:

  • Surveys
  • Text-only questions
  • Partial credit questions
  • Downloadable quiz reports
  • Compatibility with Respondus LockDown Browser

However, Canvas is working hard to complete the tool.

If you are interested in seeing a demo of New Quizzes or want to have New Quizzes enabled for your course, contact Courseware at