Faculty Webinars | Fall 2024

Logo of Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with text "Faculty Webinar Series" on a red background. Each term, the IDEA Courseware Team offers a series of faculty training sessions to share teaching tools and best practices. Any teaching team members or staff are welcome to attend. Recordings of each Zoom-delivered webinar session will be shared with registrants, so feel free to register even if you can'tRead More

Faculty Webinars (Spring 2024 Version)

Wharton University of Pennsylvania logo; Faculty Webinar Series Join us for our Courseware Team faculty webinars (Spring 2024)! As we enter our spring-time era, Wharton Courseware offers the following faculty-focused webinars and in-person events to share teaching tools and best practices. All teaching team members and staff are welcome to attend. Recordings of each session will be sharedRead More

Faculty Webinars – Fall 2023

Logo of Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania with text "Faculty Webinar Series" on a red background. The Courseware Team is launching our Fall 2023 webinar series! This Fall, Wharton Courseware offers the following faculty-focused webinars and in-person events to share teaching tools and best practices. All teaching team members and staff are welcome to attend. If you are interested in attending, please register for a session.Read More

Spring 2023 Faculty Webinars

Wharton University of Pennsylvania logo; Faculty Webinar Series The Courseware Team is launching our Spring 2023 webinar series! If you are interested in attending, register for a session. After each session, recordings will be shared with all registrants, so please register even if you can’t make it to the live session. Please contact the Courseware Team at courseware@wharton.upenn.eduRead More

FeedbackFruits Tool Suite

FeedBackFruits logo over a laptop screen

As FeedbackFruits’ suite of both asynchronous and synchronous tools are used across undergraduate, MBA, Executive Education, and MBA Program for Executives (WEMBA) levels at Wharton, this blog post serves to point you in the right direction when selecting a tool for many different assignment types. The decision tree shown belowRead More

Collaborate in Color: Enhance Your Course Conversations using Ed Discussion

ed discussion

As we continue a hybrid approach to teaching and learning where much of the collaboration is remote, the search for educational technology tools that best meet this need while fostering course engagement for faculty and students alike is ongoing. One tool that serves to organize discussion threads, Q&As, and additionalRead More