Canvas Basics Training – Fall 2024

Join us for Wharton Canvas Basics Training!

What is Canvas Basics

Wharton University of Pennsylvania Canvas Basics TrainingAre a new Wharton Teaching Assistant (TA)*?
Or a faculty/staff member who would like a refresher on the basics of Canvas?

Then, join us for a Canvas Basics Training session! One of our Canvas experts from the Wharton IDEA Courseware team will lead these interactive trainings.

We provide multiple dates and times, so you can choose the one which works best for your schedule. Those who register for a session, regardless if they attend, will receive a recording from one of the sessions. Each training addresses an overview of communicating with students, using the gradebook & Speedgrader, and working with assignments & due dates. Also, we’ll provide tips on Canvas user settings to be aware of as a member of a teaching team.


Dates and Times

  • Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 12:00-1:30 pm (Zoom)
  • Friday, August 23, 2024 at 10:15-11:45 am (Zoom)
  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 12:00-1:30 pm (Zoom)

Register for a session if you are interested in attending or would like to watch a session recording.
*This training is primarily intended for TAs, but we welcome faculty and staff, as well.


Now That You’ve Registered

Once registered, look out for a reminder email a business day before the session to include the Zoom link. Additionally, a business day before your training session, we will add you to a Canvas site created for your training session. This site will also include the Zoom link. This Canvas site is a space for you to practice using Canvas in the TA role. We encourage you to use it during and after the training!

After each session, we will upload the recording to the Canvas site for that session.

Questions about our Canvas Basics Sessions? Contact us at